How Language Shapes Our Perception of the World: The Beauty of La Vita è Bella
Have you ever thought about why you feel different when you speak a foreign language? Have you felt as if you were completely another person? That is because you are! Research has shown that our personality actually changes according to the language we speak; you may feel bubbly in Spanish but very formal in English.
I’m often asked about the language my spouse and I speak when I mention that they are Mexican. While we primarily use English, we also use Spanish in certain contexts.
Even if I were fluent in Spanish, I think English would still be the dominant language in our relationship. English has been our primary means of communication throughout our time together, allowing us to convey subtle nuances and understand each other’s usage of the language.
How language impacts the way we communicate?
Language can impact the way that we think about time, space, and even colors! Research have shown that the way of interpreting things vary depending on the language we use. Even our personality can change because the culture and environment where we are living impacts how we use a language.
Even the same translation of a specific word ignites different associations in us, depending on the language in which we hear it. How amazing is that!
Bilingual individuals who have adopted two different cultures can experience this phenomenon to a greater extent. For instance, Finnish has a unique term known as ‘’vahingoniloinen’’ that falls under the category of culture-specific untranslatable words. This means that the term is so closely linked to Finnish culture that it cannot be accurately translated into other languages.
It literally means feeling joy out of someone’s misery, for example, when your friend falls to a pool or when you slip on a banana peel. So it is good to keep in my mind that when we speak different languages, we may use words and expressions related to our culture, but they may mean something different in other languages.
How languages impact on our emotions?
In one study, participants were shown a picture of a woman on the beach. When the same participants described this ad in Spanish, they saw a strong, beautiful, and independent woman in the picture (this is where I imagine all you gorgeous solo travelers out there!)
When the same image was described in English, participants saw a blond woman sitting on the beach enjoying the day. Interestingly, participants’ world views changed depending on what language they used and what experiences and values were associated with that language. So if you feel like a different person when speaking foreign languages, that is completely normal!
Our everyday language has a significant impact on our emotions. Even if we both spoke Spanish, our interpretation of events and communication with each other could differ substantially. Personally, I find that I can express myself and convey my emotions more freely in English. In Finland, emotions are typically expressed more neutrally, making it more challenging and weighty to say “I love you” in Finnish compared to English.
Also, different cultures show emotions differently. You can read more about emotions in different cultures in this blog post.
I have spent my youth surrounded by the Americans and the British, who express themselves more than the Finns. I believe that is one reason I found it easier to share my thoughts in English than in Finnish. My husband, on the other hand, turns into a social butterfly whenever he speaks Spanish. His tone of voice varies more, and he uses more colourful expressions.
When we travel the world and interact with people from various cultural backgrounds, we should keep in mind that we learn languages differently. We experience the same situations in different ways. The more we learn about other cultures, the easier it gets to understand the wonderful nuances and cues.
I can’t wait to see how my perspective changes as I look at the world from behind the Spanish speaking glasses, but I bet the emotions in one direction and the other will be expressed even stronger!
Next time when you are speaking a foreign language, pay attention to how you are expressing yourself.
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In this program, I will teach you the best ways to overcome the most common pitfalls in intercultural communication and help you develop effective strategies for communicating with people from different backgrounds. You will learn how to identify and avoid common misconceptions about culture, and get practical tips and techniques for overcoming these obstacles.